Embrace Clean Living: DIY Homemade Cleaning Products for a Greener Home

Transform Your Cleaning Routine with Simple, Eco-Friendly Solutions In a world saturated with commercial cleaning products, the allure of a sparkling, fresh-smelling home often comes with a hidden cost—harsh chemicals that impact both our health and the environment. Take a step towards cleaner, greener living by embracing homemade cleaning products. Simple to make, cost-effective, and […]

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Cultivating Health: The Homemade Herbal Medicine Garden

Harnessing the Healing Power of Nature, with a Spotlight on Dandelions In the pursuit of sustainable living and self-sufficiency, cultivating a homemade herbal medicine garden becomes a powerful step towards holistic well-being. This verdant sanctuary not only adds beauty to your homestead but also serves as a natural pharmacy, offering remedies rooted in centuries-old herbal […]

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Crafting Handmade Beeswax for a Sustainable Homestead

A Buzzworthy Project for Bee-Lovers in Bakkedalen, Denmark Crafting With Beeswax In the charming homestead of Bakkedalen, nestled in the heart of Denmark, a buzzing community of bees thrives under the caring hands of their devoted keeper. With 32 majestic queens leading the way, the colony flourishes, creating a golden treasure that extends beyond the […]

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Just started. Under development. For a Nordic-inspired vapor bath, you can use a combination of different plants that are commonly found in the region. Here are some suggestions for plants to put in your boiler: Birch leaves: Birch leaves have a refreshing and invigorating aroma. They are commonly used in Nordic saunas for their cleansing […]

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Exploring the Wonders of dieting a Sacred Plant and its Profound Connections Introduction In the depths of the kingdom Plantae (scientifically known as Eukaryotes), we find remarkable trees, mosses, flowers, algae, fungi and bushes that stands as enigmatic symbols of ancient wisdom and spiritual significance. Embarking on a journey through the realms of nature and […]

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Kitchen Garden

Hello and welcome back to øøøø.org! Today I want to share with you some tips and tricks for planting a vegetable garden, collecting water and growing sustainable crops. I will also compare the benefits of 3D forest farming versus large monoculture cultivated fields. If you are interested in learning more about how to grow your […]

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Sustainable Concepts

Sustainability is a broad concept Sustainability practices covers a wide range of social, economic, and environmental issues. It is an approach to life and development that seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is an important component of sustainability, and […]

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Community Baseline

Building a thriving community where everything is voluntary. Do not do what you are not compelled to do. Do do protocols. Everybody is compelled to do something. Do make food. Do create. Be creative. Activate all of yourself. Be Awakened in you. Putting prayers into action facilitating harmony as succession of what we created besides […]

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Envisioned Technology

My imagination is vivid enough to see all of us happening. Not unlike breaking reality in a song as a sign of overwhelming love and depth of emotion so, to me, is general availability of advanced technology for the common good of all inhabitants on our planet. The first might be enjoyable still the latter […]

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Vision of Øøøø.org

Our mission statement defines our company’s business, objectives and approach to reach those objectives. Our vision statement describes our desired future position of the company. Elements of mission and vision statements combined provide a statement of company purposes, goals and values. Vision Statement Øøøø.org is a trust fund aimed at assisting gifted individuals to further develop symbiotic […]

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